The world today is getting noisier and louder every minute. The Internet adds content for public consumption every second and it all competes for the attention of all kinds of audiences. In other words, your message has to be engaging and interesting or it’s going to be drowned out. You have to have a great story to tell. For businesses and PR professionals looking for media coverage, the best approach in today’s crowded digital environment is great storytelling. You must do your research to find new angles on old stories or fresh new stories that show your ability as a trailblazing thought leader. You need to find where most have not gone and tell a more detailed and relevant story. In this week’s episode, Merritt and Gary feature the insights of American University professor and journalist, Bill Gentile, and talk about storytelling, what goes into a great story, how you can use it for earning media coverage and building reporter relationships, and his other storytelling secrets.